 Who we are
- Stephan Michels
I was born 1975 in Berlin in Germany. At the age of 10,
I get my first computer(C64), and my first software
project was a AI system written in LISP. The AI was a
long time my favourit theme.
At the highschool I went over to the PC. My first PC was an 8088
with a hercules graphic card with a amber coloured monitor.
With the appearance of doom, 3D programming was my next
favorite theme, so I learned Pascal, C and Forth. The highlight
was a texture mapping algorithm written in assembler.
I begun my studies 1995 in chemistry at the
technical unversity
of Berlin.
In the first semesters at the university I learned to program
microcontrollers, like the 8051. I designed
diagnostic appliances for the analytic chemistry.
Later I spent many of my time for the quantum chemistry,
and works in a sourceforge project called
I wrote some applications to visualize Wavefunctions.
Than I designed applications for the nuclear magnetic
resonance(NMR) in the
workgroup of prof. Ziessow.
Currently I working as software developer
for a big e-learning project from the
by Stephan Michels